Hatch a plan to sell your home this Easter

Hatch a plan to sell your home this Easter
It's no secret that moving house can be stressful. In fact, 60% of people have put off moving due to perceiving the change as too stressful*.
However, 62% of people surveyed believe that moving home can make them happier*.
So why not make the move you've been dreaming of? The process doesn't have to be disheartening, Property Ladder are here to make moving less stressful.
When you decide to move, it really helps to take a moment to plan how you will achieve your aims. We have done this for you, by providing 3 key tips on how you can make your transition smoother.
1) Get organised - Preparing your home properly for the marketing process is the first step to a successful and stress free sale. De-cluttering will make your home more attractive when it's being put on the market and also give you an idea of how much you will have to move.
2) Prepare the essentials - Pack the essentials, such as documents and toiletries, in one bag so you have ease of access to them, no matter how chaotic everything else may get.
3) Recruit assistance - Friends and family will be happy to lend a hand! Alternatively, professionals will be of great assistance throughout the process.
Our dedicated agents are here to help you every step of the way if you decide to move. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us here.
From everyone at Property Ladder, have a very Happy Easter!
*Source: BHLiving