Covid-19 Trading Update (19th July 2021)
Covid-19 Trading Update (19th July 2021)
Restrictions concerning the coronavirus pandemic are due to change on Monday 19th July. This should mean greater freedoms for us socially and hopefully get us all back to some normality.
As much as we’d like to be back working fully as normal, after careful review of guidance from industry bodies, published government advice and consultation form our insurers, practices around viewings, valuations and office visits will be conducted as follows:
Property Valuations – we will continue to conduct face to face appointments at a client’s home. Our staff will arrive wearing a face mask and practice social distancing with regular hand sanitisation. You have no obligation to wear a face mask in your own home.
Property Viewings – our staff will wear a mask and practice social distancing with regular hand and touch point sanitisation. The home owner will be consulted to find out if they want viewers to wear a mask when visiting the property. If the homeowner requests a mask, you will be advised of this at the outset of the appointment. Medical exemptions may or may not apply depending on the seller’s preference. There will no longer be a limit on the number of people attending appointments.
Office Visits – our office is open to the public but you may find the door locked so please knock upon arrival. All attendees to our branches will continue to be asked to socially distance and also wear a face mask unless medically unable to do so.
Please do not attend any appointments or visit our premises if you have symptoms of coronavirus, have had symptoms in the last 2 weeks, need to self-isolate in line with NHS advice or are awaiting the results of a PCR covid test.
We're sorry to leave some restrictions in place but the health of our customers and team must come first.