Business as usual?

With the government announcing that the property market is staying open during England's second nation lockdown, we wanted to detail all the things we continue to do to keep you safe:
Property Visit Procedures:
• We will ask whether any party is showing symptoms or has been asked to self-isolate before going ahead with any viewings or valuations. Any issues we will unfortunately have to cancel the appointment.
• We will operate using an appointment only system for valuations, office visits and when conducting viewings.
• Viewings will be spaced further apart to allow time for cleaning/sanitising.
• If you are not in a proceedable position, you will be encouraged to view the property virtually first, where possible.
• If attending a physical viewing, you should seek to maintain a minimum of 2 metres distance from others wherever possible. We will ask all parties to wear a face covering in line with government guidance.
• All parties attending an appointment should wash their hands with soap and water (or hand sanitiser if not available) immediately before and after entering the property.
• Seller will be advised that internal & external doors opened and surfaces touched be wiped down before and after the appointment.
• Where we do not accompany a visit, we will make sure that both buyers and sellers clearly understand how the viewing should be conducted safely.
• We can no longer drive clients to appointments.
• Our office door will be locked and everyone entering either expected or knocking for access. The customer should wear a mask unless they are medically unable to.
• An increased cleaning and sanitising regime has been implemented in the offices.
• We will ensure that any keys are appropriately cleaned before handover.
If you are not confident to attend an appointment, we are hapy to value your home over FaceTime, WhatsApp, Zoom etc. We can also prepare and send virtual video viewings by request.
Stay Safe,
Team PL